Damon Braces for Adults

There was a time when orthodontic treatment was solely associated with teenagers, where the only available route to straighter teeth was a bulky and embarrassing metal appliance that ensured you were the focal point of abuse in the playground. Now, however, times have changed and an increasing number of adults are visiting their dentist to get orthodontic treatment. Because orthodontic treatments have become more advanced, they are much more appealing and many adults are taking the plunge and having treatment to give themselves a more attractive and straighter smile.

Damon braces are a good choice for people of all ages. Even those who decided not to have treatment during their teenage years are opting to enhance their smile through discreet yet effective treatment like Damon braces. Another reason why adult orthodontics has grown in popularity is that a healthy, radiant and straight smile has become a must-have feature and people are always eager to look their best.

What are the benefits of Damon braces for adults?

Damon braces have a range of benefits for adults, which are not restricted to creating a better, more attractive smile. Damon braces have also been clinically proven to enhance facial aesthetics and create smoother cheek contours, a fuller smile and a more youthful aesthetic.

Damon braces are very discreet and they work quickly, so patients do not have to worry about wearing big bulky braces for a long period of time and treatment will typically take between 9 and 12 months.

Where do I sign?

In the UK, there is now a wealth of dentists who are choosing to offer Damon braces to their patients. What’s more, you will find that the dentists offering this advanced treatment are thrilled to help adult patients achieve their dream smile. It is the firm belief of many dental practitioners that it is never too late to transform a smile and thus boost a person’s confidence. Ask your friends if they know someone or look on the internet for a suitable dentist in your area who offers Damon braces.