Pros and Cons of Damon Braces

As with all orthodontic treatment, there are both advantages and disadvantages to Damon braces; the majority of which are listed below:

Advantages of Damon braces:

  • clinically proven to create a beautiful, straight smile
  • enhances facial aesthetics
  • more comfortable than traditional fixed braces
  • state of the art self-ligating technology to prevent friction and increase the speed of movement
  • suitable for a range of orthodontic problems, including complex cases
  • shorter treatment time than traditional fixed braces
  • cheaper than Invisalign braces
  • less frequent visits to the dentist

Damon braces move the teeth quickly and gently, and the technology involved in the brace system prevents pain and discomfort. The braces are designed to create the most aesthetically pleasing results and this means that the aesthetic of your face will be enhanced, as well as your smile. Damon braces are much more discreet than traditional fixed braces and there is no need for painful, time consuming appointments to adjust the wires or bands. This is because Damon braces do not have bands and the wires are very easy to change due to the sliding mechanism.

Disadvantages of Damon braces

Damon braces are more expensive than other orthodontic treatments, which can be a problem for some people. However, the benefits usually far outweigh the price difference and many dentists offer price payment plans, which allow patients to spread the cost of treatment over a period of time.

Damon braces are fixed, which may be a disadvantage for some people. If the idea of fixed braces does put you off, other treatments such as Invisalign or Clearstep may be a more attractive choice because you can take the braces out. However, you should bear in mind that these treatments are not available for people with more severe orthodontic problems.

Damon braces are not invisible but you can choose to go for Damon Clear, which is virtually invisible.